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Volume : 08, Issue : 01, January – 2021


*Dr. Samia Rasool, Dr. Ikram Manzoor, Dr Safia Khan

Abstract :

Objective: The purpose of this analysis was to determine the severity of pain after two sessions of root canal treatment and to determine the relationship between pre-obturation and post-operative pain.
Study Design: A Quasi Experimental study.
Place and Duration: This analysis was conducted in Margalla Dental hospital, Rawalpindi for one year duration from 1st June 2019 to 31st May, 2020.
Methodology: In this study, total Sixty patients were selected. The length of the study was determined by periapical radiography after the preparation. The canal was prepared using K-files using the Step-Back technique and the filling was made by lateral gutta-percha concentration. In the group where two visits were made, the preparation of the channel was completed on the first visit and the filling was carried out at a later date. Data were analyzed with SPSS version-13.0. Repeated measurement of variance analysis (ANOVA), Chi-square and Pearson correlation (r) values were considered significant p <0.05.
Results: After 4 hours, the mean VAS in the visit group of the single root canal was 4.7 ± 2.96 and 2.8 ± 1.73 in the visit group. The mean VAS score of the two visits after 12 and 24 hours for postoperative pain was lower than that of a visit. The data showed a direct correlation in postoperative pain and obturation in both groups.
Conclusion: In the first 4 hours, root canal treatment was compared from the next visit to two sessions, but no advantage was observed when the root canal treatment from two visits provided better results in terms of pain Postobturation after 12 and 24 hours. Although this study showed positive results in the treatment of root canal of two visits related to postobturation pain.

Keywords :visual analog scale, postobturation pain, preoperative pain, endodontic treatment with two visits, Endodontic treatment of a visit.

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Please cite this article in press Samia Rasool et al, Analytical Comparison Of Pain Severity Preoperatively And Postoperatively Between Two Sessions Of Root Canal Treatment., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(1).

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