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Volume : 08, Issue : 01, January – 2021


Dr Kiran Shahzadi, Dr Husna Jamil, Dr. Ehsan Ramzan

Abstract :

Aim: The aim of this subject is to assess the effect of contributor and eye bank features on implant rating and medical consequences after piercing organ transplant (PK) in the astigmatism.
Place and Duration: From December 2016 to November 2019, in the Eye Unit-1 of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore for 3 yrs duration.
Methods: Post-operative consequences involved visual refractive error, acuity, suture complications, epithelial problems, transplant transparency and transplant rejection. In the multivariate regression analysis, the correlation among contributor and eye bank features, post-operative consequences and implant excellence was assessed. 252 keratoconic PK eyes were used in this retrospective interventional case series. Contributor data include age and gender, reason of death, stromal and epithelial status, death to preservation time, time of surgical procedure, morphology, transplant classification and endothelial cell density (ECD).
Consequences: Death to preservation time was suggestively related with the incidence of stromal cloudiness (P < 0.001) and implant epithelial sloughing (P = 0.005). The regular age of contributor and recipient was 26.3 ± 8.7 and 29.5 ± 10.0 yrs, and the 66.9 ± 38.6 months was the mean follow-up time, correspondingly. The occurrence of defects of epithelium = on the 1st day after surgical procedure was suggestively correlated with the death to preservation time (p = 0.004). The contributor’s age suggestively prejudiced endothelial cell density (P = 0.02), hexagonicity (P = 0.01) and mean cell area (P = 0.06). Post-operative refractive and visual consequences, survival and transplant complications were not associated with any ocular or contributor factor. On the first post-operative day, implant stromal edema was found to be suggestively related with implant epithelial sloughing (P <0.001).
Conclusion: Though, the longstanding consequence on transplant complications, survival and medical result were negligible. Eye bank and contributor variables influenced contributor corneal excellence and early post-operative course.

Keywords :Piercing organ transplant; Postoperative consequences, contributor excellence; astigmatism.

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Please cite this article in press Kiran Shahzadi et al, Result Of Contributor Implant Excellence On Medical Consequences After Piercing Organ Transplant For Astigmatism., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(1).

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