Volume : 09, Issue : 03, March – 2021


Mohammed Shafee Fathima Sapra

Abstract :

The traditional medical practice in Sri Lanka has long tradition with its root tracing back to pre- Arian civilization. It is practiced mainly as a traditional process. And there is a high degree of specialization in certain areas. Among them “Diyawediyawa” (Diabetes Mellitus) treatment occupies major place in the traditional system. There are numerous prescription which are used in the treatment of diabetes and they vary according to the physicians who treat them. It is a significant fact that although the properties in the herbal medicines are playing a vital role in treating diabetes. Therefore, the objective of this study to identify and describe the properties with reference of its chemical constituents of the special choorna (powder drug) for the management of diabetes from a selected traditional physician. Mainly this formulation contains five ingredients, which can help to reduce the sign and symptoms of diabetes, such as poly urea, polydipsia and polyphagia. A comprehensive follow up clinical trial study needed in near future to scientifically prove the effectiveness of these ingredients.
Keywords: Diyawediyawa, Choorna, Traditional system, poly urea, polydipsia and polyphagia.

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Please cite this article in press Mohammed Shafee Fathima Sapra ., Review On A Traditional Formulation For “Diyawediyawa” (Diabetes Mellitus)., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(03).

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