Volume : 08, Issue : 11, November – 2021



Authors :

S. Ahmed ullah Hussaini, Saher Shah Khan, Amina Begum, Juveria Fatima and Nausheen Noor

Aim & objectives: The principle aim was to study Drug utilization and Evaluation of Anti-Hypertensive Drugs and it’s Adherence to standard treatment guidelines and importance of BP control; hypertension is persistent elevation of arterial blood pressure.
Methodology: A Prospective and observational study was carried out on 100 subjetcs in the Department of general medicine in Osmania General Hospital, a tertiary care teaching hospital for a period of 6 months.
Results: The data collected was analyzed a presented using simple statistics and and presented in counts or percentage. Out of 100 subjects (64 %) were males and (36%) were females. Maximum number of the patients were found in age group>61 with (52%) people in it.There were 70 patients with different comorbid condition among which Diabetes (25%) was the highly prevaled comorbid condition. Monotherapy (59%) was oftenly prescribed in both comorbi and non-comorbid diseased conditions of the study. Diuretics (Furosemide) Calcium Channel Blocker (Amlodepine), Angiotensin Renin Blocker (Telmisartan), Angiotensin converting enzyme (Enalapril), Beta blocker(metaprolol) were frequently prescribed Anti-hypertensive class of drugs prescribed in monotherapy. The presence of comorbidities makes the situation more complicated in such conditions Dualtherapy (27%), Triple therapy (14%) was used. Among dual combination (27%) Diuretics and Angiotnesin renin blocker was primarily selected antihypertensive class. The triple combination therapy (14 %) was rarely prescribed in extreme conditions the class of drug used in triple combination was calcium channel blocker, Diuetic, centrally sympathomimetics. In the study most of the patients were alcoholics (39%), smokers (30%). Participant’s adherence status: Prevalance rate on self-care activity among hypertensive patients was conducted there were 67% subjects with hypertension of >2 years,72%patients were taking medications only 44%patients knows about medication, medication adherence was observed in 67% patients, adherence to rationality of prescription was 83%, non-adherence to low salt diet was high with 56% outcome as complication was observed in 75% patients.
Keywords: Hypertension, Diabetes, comorbidities, monotherapy, combination drug therapy and Diuretics.

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Please cite this article in press Juveria Fatima et al, A Prospective Observational Study On Drug Utilization And Evaluation Of Anti-Hypertensive Drugs And It’s Adherence To Standard Treatment Guidelines In Tertiary Care Hospital, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(11).

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