Volume : 08, Issue : 10, October – 2021



Authors :

Raju K. Dhavale*, Ruchita R. Patil, Tushar M. Dalavi, and Suyash S. Patil

Abstract :

Lepidium Meyenii (Maca) is a Peruvian plant of the Brassicaceae family cultivated for more 2000 years, which grows exclusively in the central Andes between 4000 and 4500 m altitude. Maca has been used for nutrition and to enhance fertility in humans and animals. It’s used as a food supliment and for its presumed medicinal properties. Maca root has different colors that are responsible for positively influencing it’s pharmacological and biological action. The possible effects on the treatment of a wide range of diseases and medicinal conditions. The regulation of sexual dysfunctions like sexual problems related to sexual desire in male and female, male erectile dysfunction (ED) and increasing the sperm count, Mobility and improving sexual function in humans. A methanolic extract of Peruvian maca, re-extracted with n-pentane, was used to observe its effect in neuroprotective cells. Maca has a improved special learning and memory deficits and passive avoidance learning and memory deficits. It is a reduced glucose levels and lower level of lipid oxydation and increase in Insulin values and an increase in the glutathion content. Prevention and improvement of the dermatological dysfunctions, improvement the fertility, volume of ejaculation, sperm concentration and total sperms count. Maca root has a improvement of enzymatic activity, anti-oxidant capacity and it may increase libido in men and women. Another really excellent benefits of maca are hormone balance, it’s known to strengthen and support our endocrine system. Maca does is it actually stimulates hypothalamus and pituitary gland and its hormones. Maca has a side effect are uncommon and mild and
mostly include Gastrointestinal and Thyroid problems. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you should consult with your healthcare team before taking maca.

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Please cite this article in press Raju K. Dhavale et al, Medicinal Benefits And Side Effects Of Peruvian Maca (Lepidium meyenii): A Review., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(10).

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