Volume : 08, Issue : 10, October – 2021



Authors :

Sadaf Firdaus *, Abid Nadeem Nomani , Ammar Ibne Anwar , Abdul Aziz khan

Abstract :

Obesity is a growing health problem worldwide, It is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk on the one hand of obesity itself and on the other hand of associated medical conditions (hypertension, diabetes, insulin resistance, and sleep apnoea syndrome). Obesity has an important role in atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Obesity leads to structural and functional changes of the heart, which causes heart failure. The altered myocardial structure increases the risk of atrial fibrillation and sudden cardiac arrest. In Unani System of Medicine , obesity is termed as siman mufraṭ and farbahi. Siman mufraṭ means excess of shaḥm (fat). Excess of shaḥm is due to burudat (coldness) and rutubat (wetness). The factors which increase the burūdat and ruṭūbat in the body are cold foods and drinks, cold medicines, rest, sleep, excess of food, moderate degree of pleasure, ḥammām especially after meals etc. The complications produced due to obesity are diabetes, hypertension, cardio vascular diseases etc. Obesity is a chronic diseases and results from an interaction between an individual’s genetic predisposition to weight gain and environmental influences. They have given detailed description and discussion of siman mufrat and its pathological conditions, prevention along with its management
Keywords: obesity, coronary artery diseases, shahm, burudat, rutubat, hammam.

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Please cite this article in press Sadaf Firdaus et al, Classical Understanding Of Obesity As A Risk Factor For Cardiovascular Diseases., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(10).

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