Volume : 08, Issue : 09, September – 2021



Authors :

Dr. Maha Hashem Awlia, Dr. Samah Saleh Alghamdi, Hisham Ali Abdu ,Waleed Ali Katu,Zahrah mohammad Kariri,Ahmed Nawwar Alotaibi,Sager Abdlullah Alotaibi, Nader Mohammad ALhazmi, Fahad Ali Kaleem,Ayman modhish alzhrani


Abstract :

The current study sought to find quality of life promotion strategies created and tested among population-based depressed individuals. There is compelling narrative evidence to suggest that the scope and intensity of interventions should be tailored to the participants’ physical, cognitive, and social functioning levels. Previous reviews’ findings indicate that eHealth therapies are successful in promoting PA in adults of various ages. However, none of these reviews have presented a distinct picture of participation in such interventions and their impact on PA in older persons.

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Please cite this article in press Maha Hashem Awlia et al, Promoting Quality Of Life Of Depressed Patient; Narrative Review., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(9).

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