Volume : 09, Issue : 12, December – 2022



Authors :

Dr. Suhail Abdalhameed Abdalrasheed Khan’, Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Alsufi,
Dr Ziyad Mohammed Almutairi, Dr. Hamad Rasheed Alotaibi, Dr. Khaled Abdulkarem Alwesabi, Dr. Wedad Hassan Aljefri, Dr. Mohammed Saad Alkhathami , Dr. Turky Nasir Al ghamdi, Dr. Ahmed Ali Alabdali, Dr. Abdullah Salih Aldhafeeri,Dr. Abdulmajeed Mohammed Alzahrani, Dr. Hussain Ali Al Zamanan, Dr. Ahmed Khalid Serwi, Dr. Khalid Sultan Alfayhani And Hanouf Naif Alanazi


Abstract :

Objective: A growing number of research on psychological disorders among medical staff in KSA have been undertaken; nevertheless, there is no clear consensus on psychological disorders among medical staff in KSA. The goal of this systematic review was to consolidate current data on psychological disorders among medical staff in KSA.
Methods: Authors began with recognizing the important examination proof that spots light on psychological disorders among medical staff in KSA. Authors led electronic writing look in the accompanying data sets: Ovid Medline (2016 to present), Ovid Medline Daily Update, Ovid Medline in process and other non-filed references, Ovid Embase (2016 to present), The Cochrane Library (latest issue) and Web of Science. Just examinations in English language will be incorporated. The precise selection was acted in close collaboration with a clinical examination curator.
Results: A total of 94 studies were identified in the search, all of them were assessed for eligibility, and 6 articles were included in this review. All included studies assessed psychological status of medical staff during the period of COVID-19 as it was a stressing era except for one study [18]. The methodological characteristics of studies are presented in table. Psychological disorders were more common among nurses than doctors. The most common psychological disorders were depression, stress and sleep disturbances.
Conclusion: Overall, Saudi Arabia’s medical staff had depressive or anxious symptoms, with mild disorders accounting for half and moderate and severe problems for the remainder. However, the mental health of nurses, female employees, and those aged 30 to 39 should get greater focus. Especially during pandemics, regular checks on people’s mental health should be instituted. The results showed that poor sleep quality was significantly connected with emotional discomfort, but fear of COVID-19 was associated with just a minor degree of anxiety.

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Please cite this article in press Suhail Abdalhameed Abdalrasheed Khan et al, Psychological Disorders Affecting Medical Staff In KSA: A Systematic Review ., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2022; 09(12).

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