Volume : 09, Issue : 03, March – 2022



Authors :

Dr Muhammad Sohaib, Dr Arpana Ashok, Dr Sunder Sham, Dr Syed Anas Hussain, Dr Sheheryar Munir

Abstract :

Introduction: COVID- 19 hit 2020 as one of the worst pandemics which happens over 100 years. Like another world it affected Pakistan too. Objectives: The main objective of the study is to measure the COVID-19 related anxiety and obsession by using anxiety scale among local population of Pakistan. Methodology of the study: This was a cross-sectional, observational study carried out in Pakistan. An online semi-structured questionnaire was developed by using Google forms, with a consent form appended to it. The link of the questionnaire was sent through e-mails, Whats App and other social media to the contacts of the investigators. The participants were encouraged to roll out the survey to as many people as possible. Results: Results of the online as well as Performa based survey showed that 1108 participants consented and filled forms Mean age of the responders was 29.5±10 with 766 (69.1%) of young age,317(28.6%) were of middle age and 25(2.3%) were of old age groups. Female responders more 646(58.3%) than male responders i.e. 462 (41.7%). Conclusion: There is satisfactory knowledge of COVID 19 and practicing preventive measures in Pakistani population but they have very less faith on government and health care and they believe every rumor spread around.
Key words: Attitudes, COVID 19; Quarantine, Scale, Anxiety

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Please cite this article in press Muhammad Sohaib et al, Measuring Covid-19 Related Anxiety And Obsession By Using Anxiety Scale Among Local Population Of Pakistan., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2022; 09(3)

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