Volume : 09, Issue : 05, May – 2022



Authors :

Dr. Jamal ud din,Dr. Javed Haider,Dr. Faryal Rafique.

Abstract :

Maximum of the preparations of anti-hypertensive drugs are presented within the market within the style of tablets. The disadvantage in terms of efficacy, absorption and bioavailability, undesirable side effects are because of fluctuating plasma drug level. Inability to keep up adequate drug concentrations in plasma for therapeutic effect, larger doses than those required by the cells should be administered so as to realize the therapeutic concentration. to beat all the shortcomings within the conventional tablet dosage forms, there’s a desire to formulate mucoadhesive buccal patches which provides an honest advantage of easy accessibility and needle free drug application without the need of a trained personnel facilitating self-medication.
KEYWORDS- Nanoparticles, Bosentan, HPMC K-100M.

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Please cite this article in press Jamal ud din et al, The Link Among Cancer In Family And Psychosocial Stress., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2022; 09(5).,

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