Volume : 09, Issue : 10, October – 2022



Authors :

Hadi Hussein Binhamim, Jaber Hussein Bin Hamim, Mohd Atiq Bin Hamim, Dafer Mahdi Alsaliem

Abstract :

Modifications to the curriculum could be made if everyone has agreed that patient safety must be incorporated into the curriculum and has made a commitment to doing so. It will be necessary to first examine the present nursing curriculum created in order to determine what is currently there and where patient safety might be added without overburdening the curriculum. The formulation of patient safety learning objectives, teaching and learning methodologies, and formative and evaluation techniques for both clinical and classroom learning are important tasks. The WHO “Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition” is one of the suggested curriculum guides for integration. The study of the material revealed that patient safety was not an explicit or distinct topic. Patient safety was not an explicit or distinct topic in the curricular documents, according to the content analysis. Four key topics that came out of the thematic analysis were given together with the faculty members’ viewpoints. According to the survey results, students were typically more confidence in their ability to learn about the clinical components of patient safety than the sociocultural aspects, and they were more confident in their ability to learn in a classroom setting than in a clinical setting. According to the hospital survey, the personnel had a favorable opinion of the patient safety culture as a whole, although the mean score fell short of the worldwide standard. The results led to the development of solutions for the incorporation of patient safety ideas in nursing curriculum.
Keywords: Educating classroom, clinical setting, the curriculum, nursing and, patient safety

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Please cite this article in Hadi Hussein Binhamim et al, Integrating Patients Safety’s Concepts In Nursing Curriculum., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2022; 09(10).


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