Volume : 10, Issue : 01, January – 2023



Authors :

J S Venkatesh, Upendra N, A S Gayathri Lakshmi, Anandhu RS, Alby Sunny, Anju Jayan

Abstract :

Hyperlipidemia is a condition characterized by an elevation in one or more plasma lipids, such as triglycerides, cholesterol, cholesterol esters, phospholipids, and/or plasma lipoproteins, such as very low-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein, along with a decline in high-density lipoprotein levels. Although excessive levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) are regarded to be the greatest predictors of an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia can also refer to raised levels of total cholesterol (TC) or triglycerides, or low level of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL). Hyperlipidemia is also the major precursor of lipid related ailment such as atherosclerosis , coronary artery disease and also involved in sudden death syndrome. Introduction, categories for hyperlipidemia, signs, complications, pathophysiology, and therapy.
Key words : Hyperlipidemia, Fibrates, Statins, Squalene epoxidase inhibitors, Lanosterol synthase inhibitors, Diacyl glycerol acyl transferase inhibitors.

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Please cite this article in press J S Venkatesh et al, An Introduction To Hyperlipidemia And Current Trends In Management Of Hyperlipidemia – A Review Article., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10(01).

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