Volume : 10, Issue : 03, March – 2023



Authors :

K. Jahnavi Yadav, N.Uday Kumar*, R.Radha, M.Kishore Babu

Abstract :

Green chemistry is the new rapid emerging branch of chemistry. The present review work focuses on the importance and economic development of green chemistry. The beginning green chemistry is considered as a response to the need to reduce the damage of the environment by man-made materials and the process used to produce them all chemical wastes should be disposed of in the best possible manner without causing any damage to the environment and living beings. The green chemistry revolution is providing an enormous number of challenges to those who practice chemistry in industry, education and research. It is the design of chemical processes and products which reduce or eliminate the use and generation of toxic, poisonous, hazardous and bio-accumulative chemical substance. Green chemistry is also called as sustainable chemistry. The over arching goals of green chemistry namely, more resource efficient and inherently safer design of molecules, materials, products, and processes can be pursued in a wide range of contexts.
KEY WORDS: – Green chemistry, Sustainable chemistry, Environment, Economic development, Resource-efficient

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Please cite this article in press N.Uday Kumar et al, Alternative Tool For Reducing Pollution By Using Sustainable Chemistry .,Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10(03).

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