Volume : 10, Issue : 05, May – 2023



Authors :

Dr. Pavan Kumar Yanamadala*, Lalitha Sanjana Nallaparaju, Lakshmi Srilekha Danturthi, Borusu Balavendra Srinivas

Abstract :

Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol reduction reduces the risk of recurrent Myocardial Infarction and death in Coronary Artery Disease patients and in unhealthy individuals. Reduced levels of low-density lipoprotein also inhibit the development of coronary atherosclerosis. By preparing and encouraging patients to adhere to their pharmacotherapeutic regimens, dietary modifications, and management plans, clinical pharmacists can help to ensure that pharmacotherapy has beneficial results. It is clear that the initiatives to increase adherence and ongoing lipid-lowering medication use in high-risk patients are required. Long-term face-to-face counseling is necessary for effective care but may not be practical for many patients. A different strategy is to follow up by telephone. So, in high-risk hypercholesterolemic patients, we evaluated the effect of personalized telephone follow-up on the rate of compliance. As shown in this study, compared to patients without clinical pharmacist management of Dyslipidemia, patients with multiple risk factors who are treated by an interdisciplinary medical team that includes clinical pharmacists in lipid management experienced greater reductions in Low-Density Lipoprotein levels. Improved intermediate results in achieving lipid goals were obtained from the Clinical Pharmacist’s active participation in lipid management for all patients with elevated Low-Density Lipoprotein Levels. Medication Adherence was also assessed using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale and the mean scores for the Intervention group showed an increased rate of medication adherence when compared to the control group without intervention. The mean score of 5.15 got increased to 6.85 in the Intervention group after 3 months whereas the mean score of 5.125 got a slight increase to 5.225 in the control group. These interim results could eventually lead to fewer long-term cardiovascular events and better patient quality of life.
Keywords: Low-Density Lipoprotein Management, Clinical Pharmacist Interventions, Medication Adherence, Treatment Compliance, Coronary Artery Disease, Hypercholesterolemia

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Please cite this article in press Pavan Kumar Yanamadala et al, Exploring The Benefits Of Clinical Pharmacist’s Counselling In Enhancing The Medication Compliance And Low-Density Lipoprotein Management Of Hypercholesterolemic Patients., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (05).

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