Volume : 11, Issue : 09, September – 2024
Authors :
Malge Priyanka, Alivelu Samala*, Dr.D. Venkata Ramana, Dr. Gadipally Sai Kiran.
Abstract :
A simple, rapid, and robust RP-HPLC method have been developed and validated to measure Esomeprazole and Itopride at wavelength (260 nm). A isocratic elution of samples performed on Symmetry C18 (4.6 mm × 250 mm particle size 5 μm) column with mobile phase consisting Acetonitrile: methanol (60:40%v/v) delivered at flow rate 0.9 ml/min. A good linear response was achieved over the range of 5-50μg/ml, respectively. The method was quantitatively evaluated in terms of system suitability test, linearity, precision, accuracy (recovery) and robustness as per standard guidelines. The method is simple, convenient and suitable for the analysis of Esomeprazole and Itopride in bulk drug.
Keywords: Esomeprazole and Itopride, RP-HPLC, Validation, Precision, Robustness, ICH Guidelines.
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Please cite this article in press Alivelu Samala et al Quantitative Estimation Of Esomeprazole And Itopride In Tablet Dosage Forms By RP¬-HPLC Method..,Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (9).
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