Volume : 10, Issue : 05, May – 2023



Authors :

T.Indira Priyadarshini*, Dr.Chandrasekhar Rao Baru, Dr.CH.Kantlam, G.Srujana

Abstract :

Magnetic nanoparticles are nanoparticles which exhibit superparamagnetic properties owing to their small size. They have wide range of applications which are mentioned else where in this review[1]. One of them is targeting of drugs to site of action, known by the terms site-specific drug delivery or drug targeting. In this method magnetic nanoparticles as drug carriers are administered in to the body and are manipulated by external magnetic fields to reach the target area. This method is highly valuable for treating cancers due to the advantages that normal cells are not exposed to the cytotoxic drugs. Further it resulted in improved efficacy, reduced drug dosage and side effects. Magnetic drug targeting requires two components, a nano sized carrier particle system and an external magnet system to guide the drug carriers to the target site. Till date there have been many efforts to design the magnet systems for targeted drug delivery. This review gives a detailed account on the preparation methods, applications along with recent progress that has taken place in this field

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Please cite this article in press T.Indira Priyadarshini et al, A Review On Magnetic Nanoparticles- Synthesis, Functionalization And Applications., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (05).

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